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Lomexin (Fenticonazole) è un potente антимикотическим mezzo ad ampio spettro. Il meccanismo di azione fenticonazole considerato il blocco di enzimi ossidativi con l'accumulo di perossidi e necrosi fungina delle cellule; azione diretta sulla membrana.

Marca (Marchi): Fenza Vaginal Cap

Fabbricante: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals

Diseases: Fungus

Confezione Prezzo Per supposta Risparmio Ordine
600mg × 20 supposte
Free AirMail shipping
€ 325.10 € 16.26 € 139.21 Aggiornare il carrello
600mg × 10 supposte
Free AirMail shipping
€ 185.75 € 18.58 € 46.40 Aggiornare il carrello
600mg × 5 supposte
€ 116.08 € 23.22 Aggiornare il carrello

Prodotti della stessa categoria

Fenticonazole supository

What is this medicine?

Fenticonazole is a potent broad-spectrum antimycotic agent. The mechanism of action of fenticonazole is thought to be the blocking of oxidant enzymes with accumulation of peroxides and necrosis of the fungal cell; direct action on the membrane.

Important information

Fenticonazole is contra-indicated in patients hypersensitive to imidazoles. Safety in pregnancy and lactation has not been established. Fenticonazole therapy is not recommended for children.
When applied to the lesion or at the time of the intravaginal insertion, a slight burning sensation may be felt which disappears rapidly. The use of topical Fenticonazole, especially if extended, may cause sensitivity to the product. In such case, the treatment should be interrupted and a physician should be consulted to commence an appropriate therapy.

Before taking this medicine

The use of the product during pregnancy is not recommended. Safety in lactation has not been established.

How should I take this medicine?

Follow all directions on your prescription label. Your doctor may occasionally change your dose to make sure you get the best results. Do not take this medicine in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.

What side effects may I notice from this medicine?

Fenticonazole is generally well tolerated.
General disorders and administration site conditions:
Mild and transient erythematous reactions or burning sensations have been reported only exceptionally and normally disappear rapidly. Allergic reaction may occur less frequently.
In the event of hypersensitivity reactions or the development of resistant microorganisms, treatment should be discontinued.

What may interact with this medicine?

Fenticonazole may damage latex contraceptives and additional contraceptive measures are therefore necessary during local administration.

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