• Cosmelite
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Hydroquinone + Mometasone + Tretinoin


Cosmelite Creme ist ein Arzneimittel zur Behandlung von Melasma. Es hilft bei der schnellen Hauterneuerung. Es lindert Rötungen, Schwellungen und Juckreiz. Cosmelite Creme hilft, dunkle Hautflecken aufzuhellen, die normalerweise durch Schwangerschaft, Antibabypillen, Hormonmedikamente oder Hautverletzungen verursacht werden.

Marke(n): Cosmelite

Hersteller: Oaknet Healthcare

Diseases: Melasma

Packung Preis Pro Tube Sie sparen Bestellen
2% + 0.1% + 0.025% 25g × 5 Tuben
Free AirMail shipping
€ 165.86 € 33.17 € 179.55 In den Warenkorb legen
2% + 0.1% + 0.025% 25g × 4 Tuben
Free AirMail shipping
€ 147.43 € 36.86 € 128.90 In den Warenkorb legen
2% + 0.1% + 0.025% 25g × 3 Tuben
€ 124.38 € 41.46 € 82.86 In den Warenkorb legen
2% + 0.1% + 0.025% 25g × 2 Tuben
€ 92.12 € 46.06 € 46.04 In den Warenkorb legen
2% + 0.1% + 0.025% 25g × 1 Tube
€ 69.08 € 69.08 In den Warenkorb legen

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What is this medicine?

Cosmelite Cream is a prescription medicine used in the treatment of melasma. It helps in quick skin renewal. It provides relief from redness, swelling, and itching.

Cosmelite Cream should be used in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Wash your hands before using this medicine. It is advised to check the label for directions before use. It is for external use only.

Do not use this medicine more than the recommended dose. Inform your doctor if you have known allergies from this medicine. The common side effects of this medicine include burning, irritation, itchiness, and redness at the application site.

If these side effects or any other symptoms which you think are because of this medicine persist for a longer duration, please consult your doctor. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or are suffering from any other disease. This medicine is not safe to use in breastfeeding mothers.

How should I take this medicine?

This medicine is for external use only. Use it in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Check the label for directions before use. Clean and dry the affected area and apply the cream. Wash your hands after applying, unless hands are the affected area.

How does this product work?

Cosmelite Cream is a combination of three medicines: Hydroquinone, Mometasone and Tretinoin, which treats melasma (dark spots on skin). Hydroquinone is a skin lightening medicine. It reduces the amount of a skin pigment (melanin) that causes darkening of skin. This effect is reversible. Mometasone is a steroid which blocks the production of certain chemical messengers (prostaglandins) that make the skin red, swollen and itchy. Tretinoin is a form of vitamin A that helps the skin to renew itself more quickly.

What side effects may I notice from this medicine?

Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them. Application side reactions (burning, irritation, itching and redness).

Benefits of this product

Melasma is a common skin problem that causes dark, discolored patches on your skin. It is more commonly seen in females than males. Cosmelite Cream helps to lighten these dark patches of the skin usually caused by pregnancy, birth control pills, hormone medicine, or injury to the skin. It effectively blocks that process in the skin that leads to discoloration. Cosmelite Cream also reduces any redness, rash, pain or itchiness that may be caused in this condition.

This improves your self-esteem and confidence as your appearance changes. You should always use it as prescribed and only apply the amount you have been told to. Keep using it for as long as it is prescribed to get the full benefits.

What if I miss a dose?

If you miss a dose of Cosmelite Cream, apply it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double the dose.

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